Can I message with the Senior Tablet application?

Can I message with the Senior Tablet application?

If your Recipient is using our (free) tablet application, we have direct 1:1 messaging available.

On the web : Click "Messages" from the left vertical navigation to open the messaging page. Click "Create Message" and make sure that the recipient is included in the message.  Once sent the message will be visible on the Sr tablet Application. 

On eLivelihood Family Mobile app : tap the "Messages" icon at the bottom right corner of the app. Click "Create Message" and make sure that the recipient is included in the message.  Once sent the message will be visible on the Sr tablet Application. 

On the Recipient Tablet app : The Recipient has the ability to message anyone on your "Team". You will see their picture(s) at the bottom of the tablet app. Just tap their picture and it opens a window, the tablet keyboard appears and you can message them. No need for a smart phone or technical ability.
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